Empresa india de pinturas pone en marcha soluciones para Android de SAP

Actualidad septiembre 10, 2012

SAP AG has announced that Asian Paints, the Indian paint company, has achieved newfound business capabilities with the successful implementation of mobile solutions from SAP.

Using the SAP mobile platform and the SAP Afaria mobile device management solution, Asian Paints is the first SAP customer to extend the capabilities of SAP software onto the Android mobile platform to gain real-time visibility into business processes and empower its sales force with the best-fit technology to increase efficiency.

“Building a powerful brand is imperative for success,” said Chris McClain, Executive Vice President, Global Mobile Sales and Solutions, SAP “With SAP’s mobile platform, companies like Asian Paints can establish a platform that allows sales personnel to connect, manage and analyse customer requirements in real time. SAP is quickly emerging as one of the leading providers of mobile enterprise solutions to help our customers run better on any device.”

The first adoption in India of the SAP mobile platform on Android enables 700 frontline salespeople with a 360-degree view of Asian Paints customers. The company has custom-built a mobile app on the SAP mobile platform. With the new app internally called as “ExSell”, Asian Paints sales force has access to both offline and real-time information at their fingertips — truly an “anytime anywhere” information situation. As a result, workflow approvals and dealer inquiries can be concluded more quickly and easily and sales people can eliminate error-prone manual processes while being empowered to work independently and address customer demands with superior efficiency.

“We believe that the speed and efficiency of processing data will be the key drivers for businesses in the years to come,” said Harish Lade, General Manager-IT. “Even more critical will be the ability to ensure that information is available — anytime, anywhere and on any device. We will continue to deploy relevant IT Tools and Technology at the right TCO for providing optimum customer satisfaction and improving operational efficiencies.”


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